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The Geology of the Isles of Skye and Raasay and 64 fully illustrated stand-alone excursions are available as free PDF downloads.
Full colour, 587 pages;
455 maps, diagrams and photographs;
Available as a PDF file, compatable with desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones;
Published in a machine readable format that can be interpreted by text-to-speech services;
Section and figure hyperlinks within main text;
Embedded/hyperlinks to the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (map) website;
Appendices on: lithology definitions; place names, with translations and locations;
Details of cited literature;
64 fully illustrated excursions (with 1,500 maps, diagrams and photographs) available as separate PDF files;
Over 1000 photographs from Mull, Eigg, Muck, Canna, Sanday, Ardnamurchan, Morvern & Rum in the Gallery.
Preparation of these materials has not been a commercial endeavour. Rather, it is my way of sharing knowledge and encouraging you to enjoy the geological delights of Skye and Raasay.
I sincerely request that, if you choose to download and use these materials, you make an appropriate donation to the charity Disasters Emergency Committee through their website Based on the current prices of shorter and more restricted geological texts/guidebooks, only available in traditional printed format, I suggest a figure of £20 is appropriate, although more will be appreciated. Remember, it is better to give than to receive: with your help, we can make a difference.
Individual photographs in the Gallery, many of which are high resolution JPEG images, are available without the © Brian Bell watermark on request, in return for a charity donation (see above).
Feedback is welcome via email to with subject 'Skye Geology'
Brian Bell
© Copyright Brian Bell
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